Cauliflower soup is one of our staple dishes. That is to say along with Basil Mash Potatoes, Red Lentils and Cilantro, White Mushrooms Chives and Lemons we love to eat it as well as prepare and share it... All of these are classic combinations of flavors that we have picked up from cooking, eating or reading–However Cauliflower soup is somewhat different in that it is based on a single ingredient. Of course there are more ingredients such as water and salt and pepper but the dish Cauliflower Soup is not set off by a combination of flavors. The success of this dish hinges on the complexity of flavors inherent in the Cauliflower itself.
The difference between Authenticity and Purity are evident with our approach to making Cauliflower Soup. Authenticity when it comes to food practices implies a recipe or culture that determines what is authentic or not. That is to say there is a proper way to make cauliflower soup. Purity here would be an acknowledging of ingredients and their potential by doing as little as possible to let Flavor shine. As Shaun Hill would say, "I am not interested in Authenticity, I am interested in Flavor...". A good cook works within the arrangement of what is given.
I take a head of cauliflower place in a pot and add about an inch or two of water. Then I steam until absolutely soft and I could mash with a fork. Next pour everything into a blender and begin to blitz. Add water to get just the desired texture, then season very slowly to taste. The danger here is when using one simple ingredient is over salting and peppering losing the complexity of flavor within the one simple ingredient...
Cauliflower served like this needs nothing else, it is buttery in texture with sweet and pungent cabbage like tone of flavor... John talks about a dish he had in France that serve a cold Beef Stock Jelly with a hot Cauliflower puree... And as a vegan I appreciate Cauliflower Puree as a sauce on Mushrooms and Green Beans...
my mom loves to make this in lieu of mashed potatoes with a firmer texture than soup...its divine!
good idea--Thanks! Next time we get some black truffles we will have to try with!! sounds great!!
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